Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Beyond Conquest! | Defeat 25 Elite monsters (In Heroic Mode) | 60
Bush Whacker | Cut fifty bushes. | 10
Complete Buyout | Buy EVERYTHING from the Ghost Merchant. | 40
Conqueror! | Vanquish fifty "Elite" monsters. | 40
Customary | Buy something from the Ghost Merchant. | 10
Emerald Dream | Find ALL Emeralds. | 40
Extermination! | Vanquish 500 monsters. | 40
Feathering Away! | Find all the Feathers and place them. | 20
First Boss | Vanquish the first boss. | 50
Fourth Boss | Vanquish the fourth boss. | 80
Full Arsenal | Unlock ALL the Items. | 40
Gem Infusion | Find eight Rubies and Emeralds (In Heroic Mode) | 60
Handful of Emeralds | Find four Emeralds. | 10
Handful of Rubies | Find four Rubies. | 10
Heart of Ruby | Find ALL Rubies. | 40
Heroic Beginnings | Vanquish the first boss (In Heroic Mode) | 60
Knife Away! | Find the Throwing Knives. | 10
Monster Slayer Heroica! | Vanquish 250 Monsters (In Heroic Mode) | 60
Monster Slayer | Vanquish hundred monsters. | 20
Preparation | Unlock five Items. | 20
Returning Customer | Spend 2000 gold at the Ghost Merchant. | 20
Second Boss | Vanquish the second boss. | 60
Temple Raider Heroica! | Vanquish ALL the bosses (In Heroic Mode) | 100
Third Boss | Vanquish the third boss. | 60
Treasure Seeker | Find ten chests with gold in them. | 40