Shalnor: Silverwind Saga (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Beyond Conquest!Defeat 25 Elite monsters (In Heroic Mode)60
Bush WhackerCut fifty bushes.10
Complete BuyoutBuy EVERYTHING from the Ghost Merchant.40
Conqueror!Vanquish fifty "Elite" monsters.40
CustomaryBuy something from the Ghost Merchant.10
Emerald DreamFind ALL Emeralds.40
Extermination!Vanquish 500 monsters.40
Feathering Away!Find all the Feathers and place them.20
First BossVanquish the first boss.50
Fourth BossVanquish the fourth boss.80
Full ArsenalUnlock ALL the Items.40
Gem InfusionFind eight Rubies and Emeralds (In Heroic Mode)60
Handful of EmeraldsFind four Emeralds.10
Handful of RubiesFind four Rubies.10
Heart of RubyFind ALL Rubies.40
Heroic BeginningsVanquish the first boss (In Heroic Mode)60
Knife Away!Find the Throwing Knives.10
Monster Slayer Heroica!Vanquish 250 Monsters (In Heroic Mode)60
Monster SlayerVanquish hundred monsters.20
PreparationUnlock five Items.20
Returning CustomerSpend 2000 gold at the Ghost Merchant.20
Second BossVanquish the second boss.60
Temple Raider Heroica!Vanquish ALL the bosses (In Heroic Mode)100
Third BossVanquish the third boss.60
Treasure SeekerFind ten chests with gold in them.40