Shadow Complex Remastered (Xbox One)

Secret Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
10.0 From the Judges (20 points)Do a triple jump.
5 Shots, 5 Kills (20 points)Do 5 consecutive headshots without reloading or taking damage.
Charted (20 points)Unlock the entire game map.
Complexity Theory (10 points)Level up to experience level 10.
Fort Knox (20 points)Collect all the gold bars.
From Alpha to Omega (10 points)Complete the Omega Armor.
Gets Better With Age (50 points)Complete the game with 8 Health Packs, 19 Grenade Packs, 20 Foam Packs and 9 Missile Packs.
Hee-ya! (20 points)Knock back enemies 1000 meters total with melee attacks.
Hook, Line and Sinker (20 points)Kill an enemy with the Hookshot.
Itsy Bitsy Spider (10 points)Defeat a Spidertank by drowning it.
Let There Be Light (10 points)Turn on your flashlight.
Mutually Deterrent (20 points)Collect all the missile packs.
Old Dog, New Tricks (10 points)Perform each type of melee attack: Dropkick, Hanging Takedown, Drop-down Takedown, Double Takedown.
Roller Coaster (10 points)Take 20 rides on the mine cart.
Run, Forest! (30 points)Run 10 kilometers total in hyperspeed.
Spam in a Can (20 points)Defeat an XOS-1 Soldier with the Inertial Element.
Speedy Delivery (30 points)Complete the final fight in less than 1 minute 30 seconds..
Surface Tension (20 points)Collect all the foam canisters.
The Bigger They Are (20 points)Defeat a Devastator with a foam grenade.
The Whole 9 Yards (20 points)Kill 200 soldiers with a gun emplacement.
This Side To Enemy (20 points)Collect all the grenade packs.
Unrestricted Access (20 points)Collect all passkeys.

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
Bomba Punter (30 points)Punt 20 Bombas.
ChAIRness (50 points)Complete the game at 100% in under 3 hours on Insane.
Completionist (50 points)Complete the game with 100% of the items.
Hero (100 points)Complete the game on any difficulty setting.
Jason Bailey (50 points)Complete the game at 100% in under 2 hours on any difficulty.
Let's Get Punchy (20 points)Melee 5 soldiers.
Look Out! (10 points)Kill a soldier with a Bomba.
Make 'Em Scream (30 points)Get 100 soldiers to scream.
Minimalist (30 points)Complete the game with less than 13% of items.
My Head A-splode (30 points)Get 50 headshots.
Proven Grounds (20 points)Complete the three challenge packs in the Proving Grounds.
Reunited (10 points)Rescue Claire.
Serious Complex (30 points)Level up to experience level 50.
Status Update: Single (30 points)Complete the game by abandoning Claire to her fate.
The Insurgent (50 points)Complete the game at 4% with only the Flashlight, Backpack, Grenade, Foam, and Missile.
To Kill a Blackbird (20 points)Destroy the helicopter attacking the vice president.
Walkin' on Water (10 points)Make it from one end of the lake to the other in hyperspeed.