Achievement | How to unlock | Points
10000 score and counting (16-bit) | Reached 10.000 Score (16-bit) | 30
Air vs Water (8-bit) | Fought against the Second Boss (8-bit) | 70
BOOMBOX Killer (16-bit) | Fought against Fifth boss (16-bit) | 70
CONGRATULATIONS LUNATIC (16-bit) | Finished Thunderbolt II (16-bit) | 150
Cannon Overload (8-bit) | Got the maximum bullet upgrade with cannon shoot (8-bit) | 10
Come on Big Boy (8-bit) | Fought against First Boss (8-bit) | 60
Davey and Goliath (8-bit) | Met the Third Boss (8-bit) | 80
Earth last chance (16-bit) | Played with 0 continue (16-bit) | 10
Ew!! Where am I? (16-bit) | Reached Round 6 (16-bit) | 80
FULL POWER!! (16-bit) | Got the maximum bullet upgrade with any shoot (16-bit) | 10
Heart Attack (16-bit) | Fought against Seventh boss (16-bit) | 90
It is a... Squid Ship? (16-bit) | Fought against the First boss (16-bit) | 50
Light SPEED ENGAGEE! (16-bit) | Reached the maximum speed(16-bit) | 10
MAXIMUM POWEEEEEER (8-bit) | Got the maximum bullet upgrade (8-bit) | 10
Me and the boys (8-bit) | Got the guard upgrade (8-bit) | 30
OMG 100.000 (16-bit) | Reached 100.000 Score (16-bit) | 80
Scarlet Power (8-bit) | Got the maximum bullet upgrade with scarlet shoot (8-bit) | 10
Trinity Force (8-bit) | Got the maximum bullet upgrade with trinity shoot (8-bit) | 10
UNBELIEVEBLE!!! | Finished Thunderbolt (8-bit) | 140