Nuclear Blaze (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Cat litterFixed the "cat" problem.90
Cats saviorRescue all cats.30
Containment failureReach first containment gate.30
Deeper into the unknown...Reach Vehicle Bay area.30
Fire stingsReach the Hive.30
Found the entranceReach containment chamber entrance.30
Furniture got rektRestore peace on site.75
Hey, it's me again!Enter site in HoldMyBeer mode.100
It all went wrong...Find the lab.30
Let the pro do their jobRestore peace on site in HoldMyBeer mode.30
SCP 3060Find a containment cell.90
SCP 3832Find a containment cell.90
SCP 3979Find a containment cell.90
SCP 5560Find a containment cell.90
Showdown!Reach the final Containment vault.30
The Power of the AtomSpot nuclear warnings.30
Uncovered a classified areaFind a secret area.30
Water flowing again!Restarted water pumps.30
You didn't explodeStabilize reactor temperature.30
You're not welcomed in here...Enter classified area.15