My Fantastic Ranch (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Claim to FameReach level 20 Reputation with your ranch.80
Creature EvolutionEarn a new badge for your creature.20
Diamonds in the RoughPlace 15 Shimmashyne Crystals.20
Dragon AcademyReach 24 simultaneous enrolments in your ranch.20
Dream BigUpgrade 25 buildings to level 3.20
Dream TeamEarn a new badge for an entire tournament team simultaneously at the end of a tournament.60
Entering New TerritoryUnlock access to the Crystal Plains.60
Festival FeverReach 100% Enthusiasm during a festival.20
Fully Booked!Reach the maximum number of creatures and staff members you can have.60
Gotta Adopt Them All!Adopt a creature of each element.20
Job Done!Complete every Challenge.100
Just One More GoSpend 10,000 Gems by refreshing the selection.20
Kindred SpiritsTrain 4 perfect duos in one lesson.60
Kingdom ChampionsWin first place in an Esteemed Tournament.20
Kingdom Party TimeOrganize your first festival.20
LandscaperPlant 50 Conifaeries.20
LecturerGive a lesson to 4 students at the same time.20
Let the Adventure Begin!Complete Feritella's tutorial.20
Neverending StoryUnlock access to the Enchanted Grove.80
Paving the WayPlace 500 path tiles.20
Prized PossessionAdopt your first rare creature.60
Protected Nature ReserveAdopt a rare creature of each element.60
S is for SensationalAchieve an S grade at the end of a Strict Festival.80
Spirit of CompetitionTake part in your first tournament.20
Think PositiveGo one whole week without a creature becoming unhappy.20