Moons of Darsalon (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
All your base are belong to usYou have destroyed all alien soldier spawners in the game.75
AponeYou have reached level 16.60
Diminished RockstarYou have gotten all stars maxing out all missions.40
Find all prize cupsYou have gotten all 2.67 prize cups (you need to finish the level to earn each one)40
HicksYou have finished the game on adaptive and have gotten the first gold star of each level.75
HudsonYou have finished the game on adaptive difficulty.100
Innovation GeniusYou have finished a mission on exact time 2.6760
Never Use Light Lamps (Null)You have completed level "Light Gun" without the Light Gun.100
RescueholicYou have rescued 100 darsanauts.120
Retro CollectorYou have collected all color palettes.40
RevengeYou have shot one of your guys after he laughed at you.40
RipleyYou have finished the game on fixed and have gotten the first gold star of each level.150
VasquezYou have finished the game on fixed difficulty.75
Welcome To Moons Of DarsalonYou have died for the first time.25