Achievement | How to unlock | Points
10 times | Play the game ten times. | 50
300 000 points | Make a score of 300 000 points. | 50
500 000 points | Make a score of 500 000 points. | 100
Bad ending | Get the bad ending. | 50
Bonus Stage Perfect 1 | Get a perfect in the first bonus stage. | 50
Bonus Stage Perfect 2 | Get a perfect in the second bonus stage. | 75
Energy released | Release an Energy beam when the energy gauge's level is MAXed. | 50
Final stage completed | Complete the final stage. | 100
Stage 1 completed | Complete stage 1. | 75
Stage 2 completed | Complete stage 2. | 75
Stage 3 completed | Complete stage 3. | 75
Stage 4 completed | Complete stage 4. | 75
Stage 5 completed | Complete stage 5. | 75
True ending | Get the true ending. | 100