Mecho Tales (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
Cog Master (50 points)Loot 1000 cogs from enemies and pickups.
Defeat Golem (100 points)Defeat the boss: Golem.
Defeat Landian Boss (100 points)Defeat the Boss of the Landians.
Defeat Mecinni (100 points)Defeat the boss: Mecinni.
Defeat Memory Thief (100 points)Defeat the boss: Memory Thief.
Defeat Mutant Landian (100 points)Defeat the boss: Mutant Landian.
Destroyer of Bots (100 points)Destroy 500 enemies.
Drone Collector (100 points)Purchase all of the drones from Patchie's Shop.
Healthy Hero (100 points)Gather 100 health pickups.
Meet Professor (50 points)Meet the character: Professor.
The End (100 points)Complete the main story campaign.