Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Adventurer | Complete level fifteen. | 50
Almost There | Get through level forty-five. | 50
Bonus Level III | Reach level 11. | 200
Bonus Level II | Reach level 7. | 200
Bonus Level IV | Reach level 16. | 200
Bonus Level I | Reach level 3. | 200
Bonus Level V | Reach level 19. | 200
Double Digits | Reach level ten. | 50
Fan Enemy | Face the fan enemy. | 50
First Steps | Play the first level. | 50
Flying Enemy | Face the flying enemy. | 50
Flying Platformer | Face the flying platformer. | 50
Forty Fortitude | Reach level forty. | 50
Getting Started | Play the level five. | 50
Master Achiever | Complete level fifty. | 50
Path Follower | Face the path follower. | 50
Persistent Explorer | Overcome level thirty-five. | 50
Platformer Enemy | Face a platformer enemy. | 50
Quarter Century | Finish level twenty-five. | 50
Shooter | Face the shooter enemy. | 50
Spear Enemy | Face the spear enemy. | 50
Thirty and Rising | Surpass level thirty. | 50
Trampoliner | Face a trampoline enemy. | 50
Twenty Milestone | Conquer level twenty. | 50
Vertical Shooter | Face the vertical shooter. | 50