Mechanita (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AdventurerComplete level fifteen.50
Almost ThereGet through level forty-five.50
Bonus Level IIIReach level 11.200
Bonus Level IIReach level 7.200
Bonus Level IVReach level 16.200
Bonus Level IReach level 3.200
Bonus Level VReach level 19.200
Double DigitsReach level ten.50
Fan EnemyFace the fan enemy.50
First StepsPlay the first level.50
Flying EnemyFace the flying enemy.50
Flying PlatformerFace the flying platformer.50
Forty FortitudeReach level forty.50
Getting StartedPlay the level five.50
Master AchieverComplete level fifty.50
Path FollowerFace the path follower.50
Persistent ExplorerOvercome level thirty-five.50
Platformer EnemyFace a platformer enemy.50
Quarter CenturyFinish level twenty-five.50
ShooterFace the shooter enemy.50
Spear EnemyFace the spear enemy.50
Thirty and RisingSurpass level thirty.50
TrampolinerFace a trampoline enemy.50
Twenty MilestoneConquer level twenty.50
Vertical ShooterFace the vertical shooter.50