Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Adaptation | Evolve for the first time. | 20
Deep Sea Explorer | Find all nutrient caches. | 50
Delicious | Kill the Apex Predator in Dead Horse Lake. | 10
Dominating the Bayou | Complete all objectives in Fawtick Bayou. | 10
Dropping Property Values | Complete all objectives in Sapphire Bay. | 10
Entertained to Death | Complete all objectives in Caviar Key. | 10
Garbage Collector | Find all license plates. | 50
Gator Meat | Kill the Apex Predator in Fawtick Bayou. | 10
Growing Up | Reach Teen Growth. | 20
I Thought You Were Tough | Kill the Apex Predator in The Gulf. | 10
Infamy Level 10 | Reach Infamy Level 10. | 100
Infamy Level 1 | Reach Infamy Level 1. | 20
Learned To Swim | Complete the tutorial. | 20
New Breed | Acquire 50% of available evolutions. | 50
Ocean Terror | Reach Mega Growth. | 100
On Your Own | Reach Adult Growth. | 30
Pound It | Kill the Apex Predator in Sapphire Bay. | 10
Queen of the Ocean | Reach 100% objective completion in all regions. | 50
Queen of the Wasteland | Complete all objectives in Dead Horse Lake. | 10
Ruler of the Deep | Complete all objectives in The Gulf. | 10
Science Experiment | Acquire 100% of available evolutions. | 50
Shark on Shark Violence | Kill the Apex Predator in Golden Shores. | 10
Survive Again | Survived Again. | 30
Survivor | Survive Birth. | 20
The New Apex Predator | Destroy all Apex Predators. | 50
This Is My Movie. | Kill the Apex Predator in Prosperity Sands. | 10
Tourist Terror | Complete all objectives in Golden Shores. | 10
Tourist | Find all landmarks. | 50
Tricks Didn't Help Ya | Kill the Apex Predator in Caviar Key. | 10
Vacation From Hell | Complete all objectives in Prosperity Sands. | 10
Vengeance Is Mine | Get revenge. | 100
Wiser | Reach Elder Growth. | 50