Kansei: The Second Turn HD (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Caught the KillerSolve the mystery and catch the culprit.90
Face FirstWitness an unusual use of Aki's kansei.90
Flip the SwitchGo to the basement to restart the power.50
Good GuessFigure out the killer, but there's no proof.90
LockedSome of the suspects escape.90
Lost CulpritFail to stop the killer before they kill again.90
Relive DeathManage to read the body's final moments.90
Secret KnowledgeFigure out what's on the SD card.90
Sticking TogetherChoose to explore together.50
There Will be BloodFigure out the killer, but they die.90
UnlockedOpen the puzzle box and find its contents.90
Who's to Say?Get to the end without figuring out the killer.90