Into The Belly Of The Beast (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Bottle of Milk (50 points)You died the true death two times in succession, on the same stage.
Advanced Plumping (50 points)Find a way to escape the beast.
Brainfreeze (40 points)Good Thinking, sir!.
Bullhorn (10 points)Beat the game, without restarting a single stage..
Cannibalistic Instincts (20 points)Why hunt, when tasty food presents itself? Congratulations! Your a canibal..
Collector (20 points)You engaged in combat with at least 50% of all the beasts inhabitants.
Completionist (100 points)You managed to find all monsters in the bestiary.
Crystal Heart (25 points)Manage to end a stage in full health.
Dyspepsia (5 points)Hard to digest.
Eyeballsoup (20 points)Defeat Gallerta.
Family Reunion (25 points)You successfully rescued all of your offspring..
Flurry (50 points)Respiratory distress.
Gluten Transfusion (50 points)Defeat The Glutton.
Guardian Angel (20 points)Save your first child.
High Deity (100 points)Beat the game, without having died a single time. Including checkpoints..
Insatiable (20 points)Defeat at least 100 enemies.
Luckless Shroom (10 points)You managed to defeat a boss, but managed to die anyway. Well....
Monster Hunter (25 points)You managed to defeat a boss without ever taking damage.
Monster-Kill (10 points)Four in One.
Multi-Kill (25 points)Three in One.
O sweet pull of flesh (15 points)Meat an fishballs. End your game by eating mostly purple DNA (80 %).
Putting on your trainers (50 points)Collect your share of upgrades.
Shared Brain (20 points)Defeat the Twins.
Shared Pain (50 points)Two in One.
Sticky Fingers (50 points)Find all the hidden treasures.
Survival Specialist (50 points)You managed to defeat a boss with only 10% of your own life left..
Sushi for two (20 points)Defeat Octokay.
Swallowed (50 points)There's something in your throat.
Veggie Power (20 points)Successfully end your playtrough by mostly eathing green DNA (80%).