I Am Your President (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Small MoustacheReach Corporate Fascism on the Political Compass.20
All to the PeopleReach National Socialism on the Political Compass.20
Amazons and ApplesReach Corporate Elitism on the Political Compass.20
Carrot, no StickGain 1000 points of Diplomacy.20
Ceasared!Lose the game through politics.15
Crashed!Lose the game through economy.15
Das KapitalReach Marxism on the Political Compass.20
For the EmpireUse nuclear weapons against India.20
Free Education!Introduce free higher education.20
Free-for-AllReach Anarchy on the Political Compass.20
Getting StartedSign at least five acts.20
Give Me the CodesUnlock the ability to use nuclear weapons.20
Green PowerIntroduce subsidies for green energy.20
Hot WarUse nuclear weapons against Russia.20
I Am InevitableHold the power after the end of your terms.20
I Am the SenateReach Totalitarianism on the Political Compass.20
I WON, BY A LOT!Lose the Election.20
I'm Here for YouFulfill a main promise.20
It's For Your GoodIntroduce citizen data pawning.20
JBwAReach Anarcho-Capitalism on the Political Compass.20
Lord of the TiesGain 1000 points of Politics.20
Neighbors from HellUse nuclear weapons against Canada.20
No More WarEstablish diplomatic relations with Russia.20
No One's Left BehindEspecially citizens.20
Pitchforked!Lose the game through society.15
Private ArmsIntroduce war outsourcing.20
Proletarians, UniteReach Syndicalism on the Political Compass.20
Rainbow JosepReach Anarcho-Communism on the Political Compass.20
Red Button(s)Use nuclear weapons five times.20
Roasted!Lose the game through military.15
Smith's DreamReach Free-Market Capitalism on the Political Compass.20
Sparring TimeNuke another country.20
Stranded!Lose the game through diplomacy.15
SymbiosisReach Mutualism on the Political Compass.20
The Common CauseReach Democratic Socialism on the Political Compass.20
The Fourth PowerRead 10 articles.15
The Industry Also RisesGain 1000 points of Industry.20
The Last StandGet removed from office by force.20
The New Silk RouteEstablish diplomatic relations with China.20
The Newest DealGain 1000 points of Economy.20
The Power of AtomIntroduce nuclear future.20
The QReach Deep State Oligarchy on the Political Compass.20
The Story ContinuesBecome reelected.20
The Supersoldier SerumGain 1000 points of Military.20
The Third OneHit Japan with a nuclear bomb.20
The Ultimate ComradeReach Communism on the Political Compass.20
The World UnitedEstablish 20 diplomatic relations.20
Time for BreakRetire after the second term.20
Unhinged!Lose the game through industry.15
Universal IncomeIntroduce universal basic income.20
We, the PeopleGain 1000 points of Society.20
Where Do I WriteWrite five screech.15