Hotshot Racing (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
Artiste (25 points)Achieve 1st place as Keiko in any Grand Prix on Expert.
Barely Breathing (25 points)Drive or Explode: Finish a race on fire.
Beat the Rap (10 points)(Robbers only) Complete a race of Cops & Robbers without being converted into a Cop.
BWM Driver (15 points)Slipstream behind a player for 5 seconds.
C4 (5 points)Start the explosion timer 4 times in Drive or Explode.
Carbon Fibre Optic (10 points)Play an Online race.
Catch my Drift (10 points)Build a full boost bar segment from one drift.
Competent (25 points)Come 1st in 4 arcade races on different tracks.
Daredevil (25 points)Achieve 1st place as Xing in any Grand Prix on Expert.
Destruction Level 99 (10 points)Finish a race with 20 track destructibles destroyed.
Dunkin' (15 points)(Robbers Only) Perform a donut in a race and achieve the highest score.
Family Man (25 points)Achieve 1st place as Mike in any Grand Prix on Expert.
Fishing for Compliments (5 points)Play an Online race with a customised vehicle.
Follow the Crowd (10 points)Beat a downloaded ghost time in Time Trial.
Follow Your Dreams (25 points)Achieve 1st place as Alexa in any Grand Prix on Expert.
Gentrified (25 points)Achieve 1st place as Aston in any Grand Prix on Expert.
Globetrotter (25 points)Finish an arcade race on every track.
Grafting hard (10 points)Build your boost meter to full from empty twice in a race.
Hotshot (50 points)Come 1st in every GP as any character on Expert.
Hustler (10 points)Come 1st in an Arcade Race after dropping to 8th place from 1st place.
K.O. (10 points)In Drive or Explode, crash into another racer causing them to explode.
Machine in the Ghost (25 points)Drive inside a ghost in Time Trial for 5 seconds.
Marking Territory (25 points)Set a personal best time on every track. (No mirrored track required.)
Newbie (25 points)Come 1st in an arcade race.
Not a Robot (25 points)Achieve 1st place as Toshiro in any Grand Prix on Expert.
Not Your Lucky Day (5 points)In Drive or Explode, explode before reaching the 1st checkpoint.
On Cloud 9 (5 points)Come 1st in 9 online races (any game mode)
Overachiever (50 points)Unlock all customisation options.
Pacifist (15 points)Complete a race without colliding with another racer.
Phew! (15 points)Come 1st and beat 2nd place by 1 second.
Practise Makes Perfect (5 points)Beat 5 personal bests on any track.
Precision (25 points)Drive or Explode: Finish a lap without taking any damage. (Restored health is irrelevant.)
Professional (25 points)Come 1st in 8 arcade races on different tracks.
Raving (25 points)Achieve 1st place as Viktor in any Grand Prix on Expert.
Redemption Arc (10 points)Fail a start line boost and take 1st place in arcade mode.
Referral Bonus (10 points)(Cops only) Convert 3 Robbers into Cops in a Cops & Robbers race.
Reverse Psychology (15 points)(Cops only) Convert a Robber by colliding whilst driving in the wrong direction.
Seeing Double (10 points)(Cops Only) Convert 2 Robbers within a second of eachother
Self Reflection (25 points)Complete a race on a mirrored track.
Serial Sprinter (10 points)Perform 10 boosts in a race.
Show Off... (10 points)Reverse across the finish line and take 1st place in an arcade race.
Speedster (25 points)Achieve 1st place as Marcus in any Grand Prix on Expert.
Speedy Exit (25 points)Exit a Drift with a Boost.
Stick it to the Dev (15 points)Beat a default ghost time in Time Trial.
Supersonic (10 points)Cross the finish line on Drive or Explode at 300mph.
The Destroyer (25 points)Drive or Explode: Cause 3 vehicles to explode within 10 seconds of hitting them.
The Peacock (20 points)Customise every aspect of a vehicle and complete a race with it.
Trophy Hunter (100 points)Purchase all customisation options.
Wheeler Dealer (25 points)Complete a race in every vehicle.
World Class (25 points)Come 1st in 16 arcade races on different tracks.