Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A'choo | You shall henceforth be known as "The Common Cold". | 200
Beached | Washed ashore on the beach. | 50
Descent | You reached the Sewers! | 50
Fighting Machine | Them newfangled Fighting Machines are no match for you! | 100
Gear Up! | Building stuff is like, your thing now... | 200
Get Down | Neutralize three or more enemies with a single throwable! | 100
Gooooooaaaaal! | You scored a goal! | 10
Into the Caves | You reached the caves! | 50
KO | You dropped a car on someone! How could you?! | 20
Strong and Northern | Nobody's messin' with Harper now. | 200
That'll Do Pig | So you like chasing pigs? | 20