Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Artful Swindler | Riley gets nothing. | 20
Bad Memory | Tell Taylor the wrong code for the front door. | 20
Brush with the Law | Navigate Robin's questions peacefully. | 30
Cold Call | Call the police. | 30
Cold Heart | A failure to engage has fatal consequences. | 100
Corrupting the Youth | Dorian provides Charlie with words of warfare. | 30
Date Night | Accept Taylor's invitation for a drink. | 10
Do or Die | Risk it all it all by rising to your feet. | 30
Growing a Conscience | Femi gets something. | 20
Helping Betty | Provide guidance to Blake. | 10
Helping Hand | Dorian tries to assist as best he can. | 20
Hold Your Tongue | Don't dignify Dorian with a critique. | 30
Homewrecker | Reveal Morgan and Nicky's affair. | 30
Jamie To The Rescue | Jamie arrives to make amends. | 100
Last-Minute Addition | Hang Sam's portrait on the wall. | 10
Morgan the Maimer | Allow Dorian to leave with a gunshot wound. | 30
No Fire without Smoke | Smoke a cheeky cig. | 10
No Haggling | Turn down Taylor's offer. | 10
No Messing | Don't let Megaphone Mel off the hook. | 10
Portrait Pyro | Burn Nicky's portrait. | 30
Revival | Alex survived! | 100
Sabateur | Spike Dorian's water. | 100
Stand Your Ground | Fight back against Megaphone Mel. | 10
Terrible Throw | Choose the further target and miss. | 20
Throw a Bone | Provide compensation to Sam and Muffin. | 20
Uncle Morgan | Talk to Charlie but let him down as usual. | 10
Unexpected Guest | Unwittingly make Riley show up. | 30
Unlikely Ally | Megaphone Mel tries to repay your kindness. | 30
We are Legion | Femi's true colours revealed. | 100