Fort Triumph (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A Successful ExperimentKill three enemies using a single basic physics ability.30
An Ominous Last SpeechDefeat Gharzan, the world-renowned Kazoo player and amateur ominous last speech maker.15
Catch!Push a potion into a unit (friendly or enemy).30
Chain ReactionCause a physics chain reaction involving 6 units or objects, using a basic physics ability.15
Connecting PeopleStun or kill 4 enemies by pushing them into each other using a basic physics ability.30
Eco-unfriendlyKnock down a tree.15
Feng ShuiUse lift on an enemy\object, then push it into something.30
Forgive and ForgetSave an unappreciative ally.30
Happily Ever After (Classic)Finish Act III on Classic or higher.90
Happily Ever After (Legendary)Finish Act III on Legendary.90
Happily Ever After (Normal)Finish Act III on Normal or higher.30
Hunting DownTrigger Overwatch or Attack of Opportunity twice using a single Frighten.90
Involuntary IntimacyStun or kill 2 enemies by pushing them into each other using a basic physics ability.15
MultidisciplinaryHave a hero with 3 cross-class skills.85
Not Very WatchfulCancel an enemy Overwatch.15
Physics 101 - KinematicsPush/Pull 10 objects or units using physics abilities.15
Physics 102 - PressureKill 10 enemies by knocking down objects on them using physics abilities.15
Physics 103 - ReactionsTrigger Attack of Opportunity during your turn using Lift or Physics 10 times.15
Post Hero Slaying Pig PieFinish Act I.15
Practice ShooterTrigger Overwatch by using lift on an enemy behind full cover.90
Simply StunningStun all enemies (minimum 4) in a single turn.15
Sinful KnapsackingDefeat Galilarn, an outspoken opponent of mattresses.30
Stun-lockStun an enemy for three turns consecutively.15
That's brilliant! ...But terrible.Finish Act II.30
Tough LoveHeal an enemy by pushing a healing urn into it.30
WorldlyWin a Skirmish with every faction.90
Zero to HeroLevel up a hero to level 20.30