Dustoff Z (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Aaaand Still AliveComplete the epic difficulty.0
Air supportDefend the first camp.100
AliveComplete the normal difficulty.0
Chopper CaptainBuy your first helicopter.100
ColorizedRepaint a helicopter.0
Defeated! Again...Defeat the first boss.100
Escort AgencyEscort the first convoy.100
KnightDefeat 500 zombies.0
LooterTransport a supply to your base.100
Man at armsDefeat 100 zombies.0
MechanicUpgrade a helicopter.0
PaladinDefeat 1000 zombies.0
Scrap them allBuy all helicopters.100
Search and RescueSave the first survivor.100
Still AliveComplete the hard difficulty.0
This is a beginning...Hire your first shooter.100
TrainerUpgrade a shooter.100
TunerOwn a fully upgraded helicopter.0
Veteran ZOwn a veteran shooter.100
Veteran paint jobCollect a special paint job.0