Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A New Tomorrow | With the hope of change for the better... | 55
A Strange Proposition | Become Master Stanger's disciple. | 5
ACHOO! | Help the weird girl with her Blinking Mirrors. | 10
Ancient Nemesis | Defeat the roaming Guardian. | 15
Best Pupil | Complete all of Master Oracle's challenges. | 30
Braving Miasma | Tell your last tale to the Innkeeper. | 30
Card Collector | Have 50% of the card encyclopedia unlocked. | 30
Card Completionist | Complete the card encyclopedia. | 100
Clear as Water | Purchase a clear rune from the Runesmith shop. | 5
Dungeon Mastery | Tell your third tale to the Innkeeper. | 15
FOR JUSTICE! | Complete all of Master Raider's challenges. | 30
First time? | Survive the Tutorial. | 25
Friend! | Become Master Raider's disciple. | 5
Gladiator | Complete a boss rush. | 35
Harmony | With this rune you are one step closer to the truth. | 10
Journey's End | Complete all of Master Traveler's challenges. | 30
Masterpiece | Complete all of Master Warden's challenges. | 30
Might be useful... | Get you first curio. | 5
No Stone Unturned | Send the Scavenger to find all possible curios from a region. | 20
Oracle Mastery | Be recognized as a master of the Oracle Archetype. | 15
Raider Mastery | Be recognized as a master of the Raider Archetype. | 15
Riddlesolver | Become Master Oracle's disciple. | 5
Sealed Once Again | And yet the world remains the same... | 35
Setting Off | Become Master Traveler's disciple. | 5
Shine! | Get a foil card from a booster pack. | 5
The Apprentice | Defeat the Guardian of the Glacial Library. | 15
The Bodyguard | Defeat the Guardian of the Dune Dome. | 15
The False Prophet | Defeat the one who sits at the top of the Tower. | 25
The Familiar | Defeat the Guardian of the Lost Wreckage. | 15
The New Demon Lord | A sad end for a naive adventurer... | 15
The Plot Thickens | Be recognized as a master of the Stranger Archetype. | 15
The Steed | Defeat the Guardian of the Magma City. | 15
The Usurper | Defeat the one who stole tomorrow. | 50
Towards the Future | Complete all of Master Stranger's challenges. | 30
Traveler Mastery | Be recognized as a master of the Traveler Archetype. | 15
Treasure Hunting | Tell your first tale to the Innkeeper. | 5
Trinket Enthusiast | Get all curios. | 100
True Drafter | Unlock all achievements. | 100
Uncut Gem | Become Master Warden's disciple. | 5
Warden Mastery | Be recognized as a master of the Warden Archetype. | 15