Achievement | How to unlock | Points
...and stone | Craft Endenium gem. | 100
BAAAA! | Purchase a sheep. | 75
CLUCK! | Purchase a chicken. | 75
Cook | Cook your first meal. | 50
Farmer | Harvest your first croop. | 50
Forager | Collect your first berries. | 50
Forest Reconnaissance | Collect a mushroom. | 50
Lumberjack | Chop your first tree. | 50
MOOOO! | Purchase a cow. | 75
Magic in a bottle | Find your first mythical brew. | 100
Miner | Mine your first stone. | 50
OINK! | Purchase a pig. | 75
Of wood... | Craft Endwood plank. | 100
Shore Patrol | Collect an item washed up on the beach. | 50
Sweet Dreams | Go to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. | 50