Achievement | How to unlock
"I am not alone" (50 points) | Everything changes, again.
"Knock, knock" (50 points) | Entered the Fretland farmhouse.
Awakening (50 points) | Edward is born anew.
Blue skies in Norway (50 points) | Good morning, Edward!
Everything changes (50 points) | ...and we're definitely not alone.
Goodbye to all the things (50 points) | The end.
Home alone (50 points) | They're not coming back, are they?
Co-dependent (100 points) | Lissie's getting a bit tired of you, Teddy bear.
Life is but a dream (150 points) | Row, row, row your boat.
Piano man (100 points) | Played the piano.
The Artist (100 points) | Completed all the sketches.
The Conversationalist (100 points) | Exhausted all Lissie conversations.
To Ruth, from Edward (100 points) | Good night, little girl.