Dragon Blaze (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
1UPIncreased life.40
Dragon emperorWatch the ending without continuing in difficulty level 7.50
Dragon knight and Enigmatic dwarfWatch the ending with Quaid and Rob.20
Dragon knight and NecromancerWatch the ending with Quaid and Ian.20
Dragon knight and Neptune daughterWatch the ending with Quaid and Sonia.20
Dragon masterWatch the ending without continuing in difficulty level 6.50
Dragon riderWatch the ending without continuing in difficulty level 2.20
Dragon tamerWatch the ending without continuing in difficulty level 1.20
Enigmatic dwarf and NecromancerWatch the ending with Rob and ian.20
First magic stoneStage one clear.20
Fourth magic stoneStage four clear.40
Great richesAppear the bonus carry.40
Ian the NecromancerWatch the ending with Ian.20
Intermediate dragon knightWatch the ending without continuing in difficulty level 4.40
Load the magic bombCollect maximum quantity of magic bomb (default setting)20
Magic enhancementUpgrade the shot until maximum.20
Maximize magic powerUpgrade the magic gauge until maximum.20
Neptune daughter and Enigmatic dwarfWatch the ending with Sonia and Ian.20
Neptune daughter and NecromancerWatch the ending with Sonia and Rob.20
PhilanthropismClear the stage without destroying any enemies.50
Quaid the Dragon knightWatch the ending with Quaid.20
Rob the Enigmatic dwarfWatch the ending with Rob.20
Second magic stoneStage two clear.20
Senior dragon knightWatch the ending without continuing in difficulty level 5.50
Sonia the Neptune daughterWatch the ending with Sonia.20
Subordinate dragon knightWatch the ending without continuing in difficulty level 3.40
TechnicianGet the technical bonus.50
The curse has been liftedStage seven clear.50
Third magic stoneStage three clear.20
To the demon kingStage six clear.50
To the templeStage five clear.40
Ultimate dragon masterYou have obtained all of the achievements.50