Crawlers And Brawlers (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Artifact EquippedEquip an Artifact item.30
BrawlerComplete a Brawl game.10
Casual GamblerBuy ten conjuring potions.20
Epic EquippedEquip an epic item.20
Full Time JobLoot ten thousand gold from Crawl/Story games.40
Gambling AdictBuy fifty conjuring potions.40
Grand WizardLevel up a wizard character to 40.40
High ClericLevel up a cleric character to 40.40
Kill Fire MageDefeat the Fire Mage boss fight.50
Kill JerryDefeat the Mine Manager boss fight.50
Kill Lord WellingtonDefeat the Lord Wellington boss fight. (secret)50
Kill Orc KingDefeat the Orc King boss fight.50
Kill The CuratorDefeat the Curator boss fight.50
KnightLevel up a warrior character to 40.40
Level 10Level up any character to 10.10
Level 20Level up any character to 20.20
Level 30Level up any character to 30.50
Level 40Level any character to 40.100
Part Time JobLoot thousand gold from Crawl/Story games.20
Serious GamblerBuy twenty five conjuring potions.30
SharkBuy hundred conjuring potions.50
The 1%Loot hundred thousand gold from Crawl/Story games.40
Town saved!Complete the story mode.110
WorkaholicLoot fifty thousand gold from Crawl/Story games.40