Bridge Constructor (Xbox One)

Easy "Show Off" achievement

On any map besides "Camatuga", build one bridge and send cars or trucks across it successfully. Once your score is displayed with a "Post on Facebook" button underneath, select the button to post your bridge to your Facebook feed.

Easy "Storm Warning" achievement

On Westlands: Bridge 3, allow the tanker to explode. It should fly about 10 grid units into the air. Note: A few attempts may be required.


Use triangular structures for increased stability. The middle of a bridge usually is the area that needs the most support. Always attach cables to supports, such as concrete archways.

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
Budget Master (20 points)Built a bridge which can support trucks for 10,000 less than specified.
Bye Bye! (20 points)One vehicle reached the opposite side of the bridge safely, the other did not.
Car insignia 'Central' (10 points)Cars can drive on all of Island 2's bridges.
Car insignia 'East' (10 points)Cars can drive on all of Island 4's bridges.
Car insignia 'Ridge' (10 points)Cars can drive on all of Island 3's bridges.
Car insignia 'Tamassee' (10 points)Cars can drive on all of Island 5's bridges.
Car insignia 'Tiltin East' (10 points)Cars can drive on all of Tiltin East's bridges.
Car insignia 'Tiltin North' (10 points)Cars can drive on all of Tiltin North's bridges.
Car insignia 'Tiltin West' (10 points)Cars can drive on all of Tiltin West's bridges.
Car insignia 'West' (10 points)Cars can drive on all of Island 1's bridges.
Chief Engineer (50 points)Score is 1,000,000 points or higher.
Engineer (20 points)Score is 500,000 points or higher.
Financial Genius (50 points)Built a bridge which can support trucks for 25,000 less than specified.
Financial Manager (40 points)Built a bridge which can support trucks for 20,000 less than specified.
Financially Talented (30 points)Built a bridge which can support trucks for 15,000 less than specified.
Foreman (10 points)Score is 100,000 points or higher.
Offside (50 points)Completed all optional levels.
Piggy Bank (10 points)Built a bridge which can support trucks for 3,000 less than specified.
Pinocchio (20 points)Built a bridge which can support trucks out of wood alone, even though other materials were allowed
Safe Flight! (10 points)Ran a level simulation although not one single element had been built.
Smart Alec (10 points)Did not build the 1st Level to specification!
Solid ground! (50 points)Completed all levels with trucks.
Storm Warning (20 points)A vehicle flew at least 5 grid units into the air.
Stubborn! (10 points)25 failed simulations in a row for the same bridge.
Tank truck insignia 'Central' (40 points)Tank trucks can drive on all of Island 2's bridges.
Tank truck insignia 'East' (40 points)Tank trucks can drive on all of Island 4's bridges.
Tank truck insignia 'Ridge' (40 points)Tank trucks can drive on all of Island 3's bridges.
Tank truck insignia 'Tamassee' (40 points)Tank trucks can drive on all of Island 5's bridges.
Tank truck insignia 'Tiltin East' (40 points)Tank trucks can drive on all of Tiltin East's bridges.
Tank truck insignia 'Tiltin North' (40 points)Tank trucks can drive on all of Tiltin North's bridges.
Tank truck insignia 'Tiltin West' (40 points)Tank trucks can drive on all of Tiltin West's bridges.
Tank truck insignia 'West' (40 points)Tank trucks can drive on all of Island 1's bridges.
Throw-away bridge (20 points)Bridge completed although at least 1 part broke.
Truck insignia 'Central' (20 points)Trucks can drive on all of Island 2's bridges.
Truck insignia 'East' (20 points)Trucks can drive on all of Island 4's bridges.
Truck insignia 'Ridge' (20 points)Trucks can drive on all of Island 3's bridges.
Truck insignia 'Tamassee' (20 points)Trucks can drive on all of Island 5's bridges.
Truck insignia 'Tiltin East' (20 points)Trucks can drive on all of Tiltin East's bridges.
Truck insignia 'Tiltin North' (20 points)Trucks can drive on all of Tiltin North's bridges.
Truck insignia 'Tiltin West' (20 points)Trucks can drive on all of Tiltin West's bridges.
Truck insignia 'West' (20 points)Trucks can drive on all of Island 1's bridges.