Boom Robots (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AI fighterPlay a game against AI.50
BoomtasticPlay a full game as a Grenadier.150
Bullet barragePlay a full game as a Minigun.150
Dream TeamWin a game against an AI playing together with another player.50
First BloodDefeat your first enemy robot.50
Friendly competitionPlay a game against another player.50
Get off my lawn!Complete a "King of the Hill" objective.50
Quick learnerFinish the tutorial.50
QuickstepPlay a full game as a Shooter.50
SharpshooterPlay a full game as a Sniper.50
Super DeliveryComplete a "Payload" objective.50
The BoomrobotGet all the achievements.200
You are getting a hang of it!Win a game.50