Achievement | How to unlock | Points
AI fighter | Play a game against AI. | 50
Boomtastic | Play a full game as a Grenadier. | 150
Bullet barrage | Play a full game as a Minigun. | 150
Dream Team | Win a game against an AI playing together with another player. | 50
First Blood | Defeat your first enemy robot. | 50
Friendly competition | Play a game against another player. | 50
Get off my lawn! | Complete a "King of the Hill" objective. | 50
Quick learner | Finish the tutorial. | 50
Quickstep | Play a full game as a Shooter. | 50
Sharpshooter | Play a full game as a Sniper. | 50
Super Delivery | Complete a "Payload" objective. | 50
The Boomrobot | Get all the achievements. | 200
You are getting a hang of it! | Win a game. | 50