Bad North (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
A New HomeComplete the campaign on any difficulty.125
Bathed in BloodKill 15000 vikings.100
Cold SteelWin an island in the snow.50
Folk HeroComplete the campaign on hard, recruit all commanders and keep them alive.200
NightwatchWin an island at nighttime.75
NorsebaneKill 1000 vikings.50
Protector of the RealmWin 10 islands in a row, without losing a single house.100
Ready for AnythingFully upgrade one of your commanders.100
Ready for BattlePurchase an upgrade for one of your commanders.50
Split the PartyWin 3 islands on a single turn.100
Turn Back the TideKill all the vikings in a ship, before it reaches the shore.50