Azura's Crystals (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Advanced minerGo in search of Lapis Lazuli to trade.15
Aegis ManiaSummon Aegis 20 times.15
Amateur blacksmithCraft the pickaxe that will help you on your adventure.15
Amateur minerGo in search of Amethysts to trade.15
Avid collectorFind the Ultima weapon.65
Back in businessHelp Kalepa remove the ice maze so he can get back to business.15
Back to what is oursFind the hidden supplies that the rock monsters stole from the village.30
Best FriendFind Gerd.15
Call of ChaosSummon Havoc 50 times.30
Cave avengerKill all the monsters in the cave to free Brenda and Jules.15
Clear the areaKill the enemies that give Professor Hart headaches.15
Close to the battleExplore the cave and find Jotunn.30
Complete equipmentBuy all the weapons of the Kalepa Shop.30
Discover the powerSummon your first Vesperian.15
Expert blacksmithCraft a hammer capable of breaking ice.15
Expert minerGo in search of Opal to trade.15
Exploring time!It seems there is a hidden mechanism connected to an anchor, time to explore!15
Extra LuckFind the necessary items to allow Brenda to create a Lucky Charm for you.30
Flight passionCollect all the gliders of the Kalepa Shop.15
Future geologistFind all the most rare crystals.30
Generous giftsUnlock all the Offering Plate special gifts.65
Havoc ManiaSummon Havoc 20 times.15
Help GerdHelp the miner Gerd find the components to create an explosive device.15
Herbs CollectorHelp your friends by collecting herbs and obtaining recipes for new potions.15
Lead the wayFind and light up all the torches in the cave.30
Passion archaeologyFind the hidden petroglyphs.15
Portalis ManiaSummon Portalis 20 times.15
Portalis: Passage ProSummon Portalis 50 times.30
Primalis priorityBring the Primalis Crystals back to their temples.90
Professional minerGo find Taaffeite to give Jules the strength to carry on.15
Protect JulesMake sure you get Jules to safety at the end of the tunnel.15
Rescue missionHelp Brenda.15
Riddle Raiders amateurSolve the riddle of the first temple.15
Riddle Raiders expertSolve the riddle of the second temple.15
Riddle Raiders professionalSolve the riddle of the third temple.15
Rune collectorCollect all the 24 Amethyst runes.30
Shards and renewalRestore the mosaics.15
Skilled divingHelp Teodora recover the potions at the bottom of the lake.30
Specialist minerGo in search of Topaz to trade.15
Stop the windSolve all the monolith of wind riddle.30
The runes riddleUse your wits to solve the rock wall riddle.15
Unstoppable shieldSummon Aegis 50 times.30
Wheels of misfortuneRepair the minecart.15