Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Advanced miner | Go in search of Lapis Lazuli to trade. | 15
Aegis Mania | Summon Aegis 20 times. | 15
Amateur blacksmith | Craft the pickaxe that will help you on your adventure. | 15
Amateur miner | Go in search of Amethysts to trade. | 15
Avid collector | Find the Ultima weapon. | 65
Back in business | Help Kalepa remove the ice maze so he can get back to business. | 15
Back to what is ours | Find the hidden supplies that the rock monsters stole from the village. | 30
Best Friend | Find Gerd. | 15
Call of Chaos | Summon Havoc 50 times. | 30
Cave avenger | Kill all the monsters in the cave to free Brenda and Jules. | 15
Clear the area | Kill the enemies that give Professor Hart headaches. | 15
Close to the battle | Explore the cave and find Jotunn. | 30
Complete equipment | Buy all the weapons of the Kalepa Shop. | 30
Discover the power | Summon your first Vesperian. | 15
Expert blacksmith | Craft a hammer capable of breaking ice. | 15
Expert miner | Go in search of Opal to trade. | 15
Exploring time! | It seems there is a hidden mechanism connected to an anchor, time to explore! | 15
Extra Luck | Find the necessary items to allow Brenda to create a Lucky Charm for you. | 30
Flight passion | Collect all the gliders of the Kalepa Shop. | 15
Future geologist | Find all the most rare crystals. | 30
Generous gifts | Unlock all the Offering Plate special gifts. | 65
Havoc Mania | Summon Havoc 20 times. | 15
Help Gerd | Help the miner Gerd find the components to create an explosive device. | 15
Herbs Collector | Help your friends by collecting herbs and obtaining recipes for new potions. | 15
Lead the way | Find and light up all the torches in the cave. | 30
Passion archaeology | Find the hidden petroglyphs. | 15
Portalis Mania | Summon Portalis 20 times. | 15
Portalis: Passage Pro | Summon Portalis 50 times. | 30
Primalis priority | Bring the Primalis Crystals back to their temples. | 90
Professional miner | Go find Taaffeite to give Jules the strength to carry on. | 15
Protect Jules | Make sure you get Jules to safety at the end of the tunnel. | 15
Rescue mission | Help Brenda. | 15
Riddle Raiders amateur | Solve the riddle of the first temple. | 15
Riddle Raiders expert | Solve the riddle of the second temple. | 15
Riddle Raiders professional | Solve the riddle of the third temple. | 15
Rune collector | Collect all the 24 Amethyst runes. | 30
Shards and renewal | Restore the mosaics. | 15
Skilled diving | Help Teodora recover the potions at the bottom of the lake. | 30
Specialist miner | Go in search of Topaz to trade. | 15
Stop the wind | Solve all the monolith of wind riddle. | 30
The runes riddle | Use your wits to solve the rock wall riddle. | 15
Unstoppable shield | Summon Aegis 50 times. | 30
Wheels of misfortune | Repair the minecart. | 15