AntVentor (Xbox One)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
Bully (100 points)Throw stones at anything that moves.
Clumsy (100 points)Just stumble everywhere.
Coward (50 points)Go and see the crow a few times.
Delegator (100 points)In any unclear situation just use puggerpillar.
Distractor (100 points)Distract the guard and you'll get it.
DJ (100 points)That spider need some swing.
Exploiter (100 points)Use your neighbor.
Rolly-Polly (50 points)Ever seen Rolly-Polly before?
Sneaky thief (100 points)Sneak and pick.
Stinky (100 points)Fart few times and you'll get it.
Sycophant (100 points)Make that lady happy!