Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Ammit | Complete level 1. | 20
Anubis | Complete level 30. | 50
Apopis | Stay idle for five minutes. | 48
Bastet | Complete level 10. | 40
Geb | Destroy thousand tokens. | 10
Hathor | Restore three statues. | 40
Horus | Complete Pyramid five and slay its boss. | 50
Isis | Destroy 10000 tokens. | 60
Maat | Use any magic ten times. | 10
Montu | Restore all statues. | 100
Nut | Destroy 5000 tokens. | 30
Osiris | Use any magic hundred times. | 100
Ptah | Complete Pyramid four and slay its boss. | 40
Ra | Complete level 100. | 100
Renenutet | Complete level 72. | 72
Sekhmet | Complete Pyramid two and slay its boss. | 20
Seth | Destroy 25000 tokens. | 100
Shu | Complete Pyramid one and slay its boss. | 10
Sobek | Use any magic fifty times. | 50
Tefnut | Restore one statue. | 20
Thoth | Complete Pyramid three and slay its boss. | 30