34 Sport Games - World Edition (Xbox One)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Accessories sports championPlay the "Accessories Cup" tournament.30
Advanced athletePlay ten sports.30
Amateur sportsmanPlay five sports.30
Balls sports championPlay the "Ball Cup" tournament.30
Experienced athletePlay 17 sports.90
Fashion EnthusiastUnlock 30 items.30
Fashion LoverUnlock 40 items.30
Fashion RookieUnlock 15 items.30
GlobetrotterPlay at least once in every country.90
King of the fencingFinish the fencing one time.40
Olympic SkaterFinish one skateboard race.30
Olympic Tennis PlayerFinish one tennis game.40
Olympic WeighlifterFinish one weightlifting competition.40
Olympic heightFinish the trampoline game one time.40
Olympic sports championPlay the "Olympic Cup" tournament.30
Pro athletePlay all sport games.90
Races sports championPlay the "Race Cup" tournament.30
Rookie athletePlay any sport.15
Sliding sport championPlay the "Sliding Cup" tournament.30
Sports ChampionPlay all tournaments.90
Team sports championPlay the "Team Cup" tournament.30
The CollectorReach level max.90
The CuriousUnlock five items.15