Achievement | How to unlock
A Spongetastic victory! (5 points) | Complete any race as SpongeBob.
A karate master does not smash (15 points) | Complete a track without smashing a single obstacle.
A test of skill! (20 points) | Three Star Rating for any Red Gate Challenge.
All the Seaweed you can eat! (20 points) | Get a 3-star rating playing Green Gate Tour on Seaweed Alley with The Seaweed.
An easygoing tour! (20 points) | Three Star Rating for any Green Gate Tour.
As fast as you can! (20 points) | Three Star Rating for any Accelerator! Challenge.
Big Red Skate Master (35 points) | Get a 3-star rating playing Red Gate Challenge on Cephalapod Alley with The Shivering Timber.
Big Red Surf Master (35 points) | Get a 3-star rating playing Red Gate Challenge on Rudder Reef with The Sharkbite.
Clamstravanza! (20 points) | Get a 3-star rating playing Danger Dash on Clam Mountain with the Pink Clam.
Coach Pincers would be proud! (10 points) | Complete 5 grind rails without falling over on a single track.
Danger! Leviathan! (20 points) | Get a 3-star rating playing Danger Dash on O'Buoy Bay with The Leviathan.
Dizzier than a dizzy thing (10 points) | Make another player crash by using a 'swap their controls' attack.
Extreme Extremeness! (30 points) | ROCKET MASTER: Finish a Rocket race without losing speed.
Gas Guzzler (20 points) | Collect 4 refuel pickups in one Accelerator! Challenge.
Getting there in style! (20 points) | Three Star Rating for any Superscore! Challenge.
Gravity Schmavity (5 points) | Turn 360 degrees round the walls of a tunnel.
I think I got sand in my shorts (5 points) | Complete any race as Patrick.
I've been dizzy before! (20 points) | Survive a 'swap your controls' multiplayer attack without crashing.
It's full of stars! (35 points) | Earn all stars in 1 player.
Look at the shiny stars! (25 points) | Earn 2/3 of all stars in 1 player.
Lucky Dip (20 points) | Score at least a Two Star Rating in a one player Quick Play match.
Lucky Dip for Two (20 points) | Come first in a multiplayer Quick Play match.
MAXIMUM Awesome! (20 points) | Three Star Rating for any MAXIMUM Awesome Challenge.
Magical slideshow extravaganza! (40 points) | Unlock all challenges in 1 player.
Nearly Explodilicious! (30 points) | Complete a Danger Dash Challenge without hitting a single trap.
Oh Duuuutchy, you home? (5 points) | Get your photo taken in front of a wrecked pirate ship.
Out of harm's way! (20 points) | Three Star Rating for any Danger Dash Challenge.
Pineapple Salad (15 points) | Smash 75 pineapples in one playthrough of Pineapple Farm.
Pineapples mean Prizes! (20 points) | Get a 3-star rating playing Superscore on Pineapple Farm with the Flower Power.
Playing to the crowd (5 points) | Get your photo taken beside some fish folk.
Shockier than a giant jellyfish (10 points) | Make another player crash by using a 'crazy handling' attack.
Shockproof! (20 points) | Survive a 'crazy handling' multiplayer attack without crashing.
Show the clock who's boss! (20 points) | Three Star rating for any Against the Clock.
SpongeBob SandPants (10 points) | Ride over 10 seconds of slow surface at boost speed in one track.
SpongeBob SkyPants (10 points) | Spend 15 seconds in the air total in one track.
SpongeBob SpeedyPants (10 points) | Maintain awesome boost for 45 seconds uninterrupted.
SpongeSTRAVAGANZA!!!!!! (55 points) | Reach XP rank 55.
Spongeadelic!! (10 points) | Reach XP rank 10.
Spongelicious!!!! (25 points) | Reach XP rank 25.
Spongeriffic! (5 points) | Reach XP rank 5.
Spongesplosion!!!!!!! (45 points) | Reach XP rank 45.
Spongetacular!!!!! (35 points) | Reach XP rank 35.
Spongetronic!!! (15 points) | Reach XP rank 15.
Super-Maximum Awesomeness! (30 points) | AWESOME MASTER: Max out the awesome meter during an Awesome race.
Tastes like salty rain! (20 points) | Get a 3-star rating playing Against the Clock on O'Buoy Bay with The Big Wave.
The Royal Sand Castle (20 points) | Get a 3-star rating playing Green Gate Tour on Sand Castle with the Royal Tapa.
The best stars ever! (15 points) | Earn 1/3 of all stars in 1 player.
The giant wheels are invading! (5 points) | Get your photo taken in front of a ferris wheel.
Two maps for the price of one (40 points) | Unlock all twelve tracks in 1 player.
Yo-ho-ho! (15 points) | Smash 25 XX barrels in one playthrough of Floater's Peak.