SpongeBob's Surf & Skate Roadtrip (Xbox 360)


Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Spongetastic victory! (5 points)Complete any race as SpongeBob.
A karate master does not smash (15 points)Complete a track without smashing a single obstacle.
A test of skill! (20 points)Three Star Rating for any Red Gate Challenge.
All the Seaweed you can eat! (20 points)Get a 3-star rating playing Green Gate Tour on Seaweed Alley with The Seaweed.
An easygoing tour! (20 points)Three Star Rating for any Green Gate Tour.
As fast as you can! (20 points)Three Star Rating for any Accelerator! Challenge.
Big Red Skate Master (35 points)Get a 3-star rating playing Red Gate Challenge on Cephalapod Alley with The Shivering Timber.
Big Red Surf Master (35 points)Get a 3-star rating playing Red Gate Challenge on Rudder Reef with The Sharkbite.
Clamstravanza! (20 points)Get a 3-star rating playing Danger Dash on Clam Mountain with the Pink Clam.
Coach Pincers would be proud! (10 points)Complete 5 grind rails without falling over on a single track.
Danger! Leviathan! (20 points)Get a 3-star rating playing Danger Dash on O'Buoy Bay with The Leviathan.
Dizzier than a dizzy thing (10 points)Make another player crash by using a 'swap their controls' attack.
Extreme Extremeness! (30 points)ROCKET MASTER: Finish a Rocket race without losing speed.
Gas Guzzler (20 points)Collect 4 refuel pickups in one Accelerator! Challenge.
Getting there in style! (20 points)Three Star Rating for any Superscore! Challenge.
Gravity Schmavity (5 points)Turn 360 degrees round the walls of a tunnel.
I think I got sand in my shorts (5 points)Complete any race as Patrick.
I've been dizzy before! (20 points)Survive a 'swap your controls' multiplayer attack without crashing.
It's full of stars! (35 points)Earn all stars in 1 player.
Look at the shiny stars! (25 points)Earn 2/3 of all stars in 1 player.
Lucky Dip (20 points)Score at least a Two Star Rating in a one player Quick Play match.
Lucky Dip for Two (20 points)Come first in a multiplayer Quick Play match.
MAXIMUM Awesome! (20 points)Three Star Rating for any MAXIMUM Awesome Challenge.
Magical slideshow extravaganza! (40 points)Unlock all challenges in 1 player.
Nearly Explodilicious! (30 points)Complete a Danger Dash Challenge without hitting a single trap.
Oh Duuuutchy, you home? (5 points)Get your photo taken in front of a wrecked pirate ship.
Out of harm's way! (20 points)Three Star Rating for any Danger Dash Challenge.
Pineapple Salad (15 points)Smash 75 pineapples in one playthrough of Pineapple Farm.
Pineapples mean Prizes! (20 points)Get a 3-star rating playing Superscore on Pineapple Farm with the Flower Power.
Playing to the crowd (5 points)Get your photo taken beside some fish folk.
Shockier than a giant jellyfish (10 points)Make another player crash by using a 'crazy handling' attack.
Shockproof! (20 points)Survive a 'crazy handling' multiplayer attack without crashing.
Show the clock who's boss! (20 points)Three Star rating for any Against the Clock.
SpongeBob SandPants (10 points)Ride over 10 seconds of slow surface at boost speed in one track.
SpongeBob SkyPants (10 points)Spend 15 seconds in the air total in one track.
SpongeBob SpeedyPants (10 points)Maintain awesome boost for 45 seconds uninterrupted.
SpongeSTRAVAGANZA!!!!!! (55 points)Reach XP rank 55.
Spongeadelic!! (10 points)Reach XP rank 10.
Spongelicious!!!! (25 points)Reach XP rank 25.
Spongeriffic! (5 points)Reach XP rank 5.
Spongesplosion!!!!!!! (45 points)Reach XP rank 45.
Spongetacular!!!!! (35 points)Reach XP rank 35.
Spongetronic!!! (15 points)Reach XP rank 15.
Super-Maximum Awesomeness! (30 points)AWESOME MASTER: Max out the awesome meter during an Awesome race.
Tastes like salty rain! (20 points)Get a 3-star rating playing Against the Clock on O'Buoy Bay with The Big Wave.
The Royal Sand Castle (20 points)Get a 3-star rating playing Green Gate Tour on Sand Castle with the Royal Tapa.
The best stars ever! (15 points)Earn 1/3 of all stars in 1 player.
The giant wheels are invading! (5 points)Get your photo taken in front of a ferris wheel.
Two maps for the price of one (40 points)Unlock all twelve tracks in 1 player.
Yo-ho-ho! (15 points)Smash 25 XX barrels in one playthrough of Floater's Peak.