Achievement | How to unlock
Alpine Apprentice (5 points) | Great! You reached level 1 (or observed another player doing so) to rank as an Alpine Apprentice.
Avalanche Surfer (5 points) | Surf's up! You reached level 5 (or observed another player doing so) to rank as Avalanche Surfer.
Bulletproof Rider (5 points) | No fear! You reached level 8 (or observed another player doing so), rising to Bulletproof Rider.
Legendary Trickster (5 points) | Slick! You reached level 4 (or observed another player doing so), rising to Legendary Trickster.
Peak King (5 points) | Summit special! You reached level 9 (or observed another player doing so) to rank as Peak King.
Ski Zen Master (5 points) | Maxed out! You reached level 10 (or observed another player doing so) and you're a Ski Zen Master.
Slalom Samurai (5 points) | To battle! You reached level 3 (or observed another player doing so) and became a Slalom Samurai.
Snow Quester (5 points) | On a mission! You reached level 7 (or observed another player doing so) to become a Snow Quester.
White Wizard (5 points) | Magic! You reached level 6 (or observed another player doing so) for promotion to White Wizard.
Yeti Hunter (5 points) | Good news! You reached level 2 (or observed another player doing so) and you're now a Yeti Hunter.