Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (Xbox 360)


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume.

CostumeHow to unlock
Resident Evil 1 Barry costumeComplete all four episodes.
Resident Evil 2 Claire costumeComplete all four episodes.
Sniper Claire costumeComplete all four episodes with the "good" ending.

Easy "Brick Layer" Achievement

Have Natalia throw bricks at the Glasps under the casual difficulty setting for a one hit kill. You will not have to switch back to Barry.

Easy "Less Talking, More Walking" Achievement

When you get the key to enter the spider room as Claire, move the crate blocking the door so you will not have to fight the Ironhead when you return to this area. You will be able to run directly through. At the end of Claire's segment, crouch under the spinning blade in the corner. Note: This also works for Invisible mode. Lure the first wave into the traps. Claire can now easily hold off the two at a time spawns while Moira opens the hatch. This allows you to easily complete the last section when low on ammunition and make things easier for Barry. If you did not use the flame bust during Claire's campaign, you can walk out the door with Barry without activating the control room console.

Easy "Pedal to the Metal" Achievement

Practice the level until you are skilled with where the crate needs to be moved and how to solve the puzzles. Have at least one playthrough of the level under the normal difficulty setting. At the final fight, kill both enemies that spawn in the area, then turn around and get the crate near the elevator. Move it as close to the power box as possible before the ambush is triggered. During the ambush, kill the various Revenant and Hurlers that appear, but ignore the Dhurlga. It will be very easy to lead him away from the box, return and start the power, then run through the gate to complete the level. Although it is not a difficult battle, under this difficulty you will expend a lot of ammunition and not have had the time to build resources during the other sections.

Easy "Routes of Future Past" Achievement

At the start of Episode 4 with Claire, use the lever in the security room that controls the sluices during Barry's episode. Complete the rest of Claire's episode to the end then play and complete Barry's part. Afterwards, replay Claire's episode, this time ignoring the sluice lever. Complete Claire's episode and then Barry's episode, following the new path that is created. "Routes of Future Past" will be earned after completing Barry's episode.

Easy "There's Something in Here" Achievement

Claire's portion should not be an issue. Use the following steps as Barry. Take your time and find resources and ammunition as you progress. Focus on finding flame bottles and AR rounds. Using Natalia is very helpful. Have Barry wait while she runs ahead to complete objectives or reduce the number and strength of enemies that have to be dealt with. This is very useful during the first Dhurlga fight, where you open the electric door. Have Barry wait by the exit and send Natalia to the switch, then go back down and escape without wasting Barry's ammo or health. This can be repeated throughout the mines. Break the glass containers with Revenants individually so you do not have to fight them all later. Before triggering the elevator, search for supplies and kill all the Revenants. These Revenants are weaker than standard variety, and can be taken down with four pistol shots. In the second Dhurlga fight, use the explosive barrel by the elevator on him, then hit him with a few explosive or flame bottles. Finishing him off with the rifle or magnum. He can be difficult to deal with, especially if you have not eliminated the other enemies yet. Use flames to destroy his tentacles and giving you clear shots. For the final Boss, repeatedly use explosives and try to find extra ammo. When you knock her down, run up and empty full AK clips into her. Note: If you choose the dark ending in Claire's Episode 3, you will not have to do the fight on the mountainside.

Modes and difficulties

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding mode.

ModeHow to unlock
Countdown modeComplete all four episodes.
Invisible modeComplete all four episodes.
No Escape modeComplete all four episodes in Survival mode.
Infinite ammo for all weaponsComplete all four episodes in No Escape mode.

Raid Mod - Evgeny

Complete bonus episode The Struggle.

Raid mode bonuses

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus.

BonusHow to unlock
Alex WeskerComplete the Campaign and Omega Raid Stage.
Barry Burton's S.T.A.R.S. CostumeEarn 40 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Chris RedfieldEarn 30 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
CipherEarn 90 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Claire's Resident Evil 2 CostumeEarn 50 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
GabeComplete Episode 2.
Gina FoleyComplete Episode 1.
Jill ValentineEarn 10 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Leon KennedyEarn 20 Completion Medallions in Raid mode.
Moira BurtonComplete Episode 1.
Moira's Survivor CostumeComplete the Campaign and Raid Gauntlet 8 (VIII) under the Hard or higher difficulty.
NeilComplete Episode 3.
PedroComplete Episode 2.

Raid Mode Unlockable characters

The following characters can be unlocked in raid mode once enough completion medals are earned.

CharacterHow to unlock
Alex WeskerComplete Campaign + Omega Raid Stage.
Chris RedfieldEarn 30 Completion Medals.
Cipher (hologram)Earn 90 Completion Medals.
GabeComplete Episode 2.
Gina FoleyComplete Episode 1.
Jill ValentineEarn 10 Completion Medals.
Leon KennedyEarn 20 Completion Medals.
MoiraComplete Episode 1.
NeilEarn 30 Completion Medals.
PedroComplete Episode 2.

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
"I Do Not Like Glasps," I Gasped (20 points)Defeat 20 Glasps in the main campaign.
"Less Talking, More Walking" (80 points)Clear Episode One in Countdown Mode.
"Not Even Close to Easy" (80 points)Clear Episode One in Invisible Mode.
"Run, Moira. Run!" (80 points)Clear Episode Two in Countdown Mode.
"That's Gonna Be Fun" (80 points)Clear Episode Two in Invisible Mode.
"There's Something in Here" (80 points)Clear Episode Four in Invisible Mode.
"You are Authorized to Panic" (80 points)Clear Episode Four in Countdown Mode.
A Ripple in Time (20 points)Obtain the item that lies beyond the gate in the sewers in Barry's Episode Three.
And STAY Down (20 points)Perform 50 follow-ups in the main campaign.
Bounty Hunter (60 points)Get a total of 50,000 BP.
Brick Layer (60 points)Defeat 20 enemies with a brick as Natalia in the main campaign
Conquered Fear (20 points)Clear Episode Three.
Cure for the Afflicted (20 points)Defeat 100 Afflicted in the main campaign.
Cutting Edge (60 points)Clear Episode One only using the knife.
Disarmed (20 points)Destroy 30 Revenants' weapon arms.
Fish in a Barrel (20 points)Defeat five enemies with one exploding bottle or one firebomb bottle in the main campaign.
Flashlight Duty (20 points)Use Moira's light to stun 50 enemies in the main campaign.
Friend Indeed (20 points)Save your captured partner ten times in the main campaign.
From the Shadows (20 points)Defeat 20 enemies with stealth attacks in the main campaign.
Fudge Them Up! (20 points)Defeat 50 enemies with physical attacks in the main campaign.
Here's My Resignation (20 points)Moira defeats Neil in Claire's Episode Three.
I Can Do Blunt Weapons (60 points)Use Moira's crowbar to defeat 50 enemies in the main campaign.
I Can See Undead People (80 points)Clear Episode Three in Invisible Mode.
I Saw, I Conquered (80 points)Clear one Gauntlet in Raid Mode.
I'm Not Leaving Without My Medal (100 points)Get all medals in Episode Four.
Jammin' (20 points)Evaluate an item in Raid Mode.
Knifin' Around (20 points)Defeat 100 enemies with the knife in the main campaign.
Line 'Em Up! (20 points)Defeat two enemies with one shot in the main campaign.
Now That's Teamwork! (60 points)Have Moira stun an enemy and Claire follow up with a physical attack in the main campaign.
Only Good Guys Win Medals (100 points)Get all medals in Episode One.
Pedal to the Metal (80 points)Clear Episode Three in Countdown Mode.
Pedro, I'm Sorry... (20 points)Defeat Mutant Pedro in Claire's Episode Two.
Raiders of the Evil (20 points)Clear one Raid Mode mission.
Revenant Reaper (20 points)Defeat 100 Revenants in the main campaign.
Routes of Future Past (20 points)Complete both routes through the landfill in Barry's Episode Four.
Scared to Death (20 points)Clear Episode Two.
Sweet, Golden Medal (100 points)Get all medals in Episode Three.
There's a Medal for That (100 points)Get all medals in Episode Two.
Three Women and a Barry (20 points)Clear Episode One.
True or False (20 points)Clear Episode Four.
Unfriendly Skies (60 points)Shoot down 30 Afflicted in mid-jump in the main campaign.
What You Can't See Can Kill You (20 points)Defeat six or more Glasps in the monument in Claire's Episode Four, on Normal difficulty or higher.
Who Needs Fire? (20 points)Escape from the detention center in Claire's Episode One without using the flame-thrower bust.

Visual filters

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding filter.

FilterHow to unlock
Classic Horror FilterComplete all four episodes in Casual mode with an "S" rank.
Comic Noir FilterComplete all four episodes in Survival mode with an "S" rank.
Cursed Video FilterComplete all four episodes in No Escape mode with an S-rank.
Sepia-Toned FilterComplete all four episodes in Normal mode with an S-rank.


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon.

WeaponHow to unlock
Chicago TypewriterComplete all four episodes.
Infinite BowgunComplete all four episodes.
Infinite Rocket LauncherComplete all four episodes with a combined time of less than S3 hours.
Meat GrinderComplete all four episodes in Survival mode.
Moira's KatanaComplete all four episodes in Invisible mode.
Natalia's BubbleComplete all four episodes in Countdown mode.
Short SwordComplete all four episodes in Normal mode.