Jet Car Stunts (Xbox 360)

Various Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
BronzeGet bronze or better medal.25
Collector mode completedComplete all Collector levels.40
Easy does itBeat the time 1:48:00 in Time trial Easy A.25
Ghost busterBeat your own ghost in the Time trial level where you already have a gold medal.25
GoldGet a gold medal.25
Hard TimesBeat the time 4:25:00 in Time trial Hard B.40
Medium CBeat the time 2:26:00 in Time trial Medium C.25
Nerves of steelComplete Platforming Very hard A without any retries.65
Platforming mode completedComplete all Platforming levels.40
SilverGet silver or better medal.25
Time trial mode completedComplete all Time trial levels.40
Without a scratchComplete Platforming Hard A in less than 0:50:00 with no retries.25