Achievement | How to unlock
10 songs cleared ( 50 points ) | Get a grade of D or higher in 10 songs.
20 songs cleared ( 50 points ) | Get a grade of D or higher in 20 songs.
30 songs cleared ( 50 points ) | Get a grade of D or higher in 30 songs.
40 songs cleared ( 50 points ) | Get a grade of D or higher in 40 songs.
50 songs cleared ( 50 points ) | Get a grade of D or higher in 50 songs.
60 songs cleared ( 50 points ) | Get a grade of D or higher in 60 songs.
All songs cleared ( 50 points ) | Get a grade of D or higher in all songs.
Apocalyptic cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 Apocalyptic challenges in challenge mode.
Bongo! ( 30 points ) | Purchased the song "Bongo!" in Quest mode.
Cachaca ( 30 points ) | Purchase the song "Cachaca" in Quest mode.
Catastrophic cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 Catastrophic challenges in challenge mode.
Drivin' ( 30 points ) | Purchase the song "Drivin'" in Quest mode.
Exorbitant cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 Exorbitant challenges in challenge mode.
Genuine cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 Genuine challenges in challenge mode.
Healing Vision ( Gridlok Mix) ( 30 points ) | Purchase the song "Healing Vision ( Gridlok Mix )" in Quest mode.
Koibito ( 30 points ) | Purchase the song "Koibito" in Quest mode.
Love Me Do ( The Acolyte's mix ) ( 30 points ) | Purchased the song "Love Me Do ( The Acolyte's Mix )" in Quest mode.
Marvelous cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 Marvelous challenges in challenge mode.
Maximizer ( 30 points ) | Purchased the song "Maximizer" in Quest mode.
Moderate cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 moderate challenges in challenge mode.
My Only Shining Star ( 30 points ) | Purchase the song "My Only Shining Star" in Quest mode.
Ordinary cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 Ordinary challenges in challenge mode.
Paramount cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 Paramount challenges in challenge mode.
Paranoia Evolution ( 30 points ) | Clear all 6 Paramount challenges in challenge mode.
Return of the Toe Jam ( 30 points ) | Purchase the song "Return of the Toe Jam" in Quest mode.
Simple cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 simple challenges in challenge mode.
Stop Violence! ( 30 points ) | Purchase the song "Stop Violence! - B.L.T. Re Production" in Quest mode.
Superior cleared ( 20 points ) | Clear all 6 Superior challenges in challenge mode.
Think ya better D ( 30 points ) | Purchased the song "think ya better D" in Quest mode.
Tir na n'Og ( 30 points ) | Purchased the song "Tir na n'Og" in Quest mode.
Treble, Bass and Attitude ( 30 points ) | Win first place of the chamionship in Quest mode.
Xenon ( 30 points ) | Purchase the song "Xenon" in Quest mode.
Song | Task
Bongo | Complete the Western Region competition.
Cachaca | Complete the Washington special invitational event.
Drivin | Complete the Florida special invitational event.
Healing Vision | Complete the Ontario special invitational event.
Koibito | Complete the Texas special invitational event.
Love Me Do | Complete the New York special invitational event.
Maximizer | Complete the Nation Championship #1 competition.
My Only Shining Star | Complete the Eastern Region competition.
Paranoia Evolution | Complete the Nation Championship #2 competition.
Return of the Toe Jam | Complete the Southern Region competition.
Stop Violence! | Complete the Missouri special invitational event.
Think Ya Better D | Complete the California special invitational event.
Tir Na n'0g | Complete the Northern Region competition.
Treble, Bass, and Attitude | Complete the Illinois special invitational event.
Xenon | Complete the Canadian Region competition.