Achievement | How to unlock
Atomic Core Critical (30 points) | Bolt's power bar maxed out.
Battery Upgrade Complete (30 points) | Penny's gadget bar maxed out.
Beyond Awesome, it's Be-Awesome (100 points) | Completed the final level of Act 5 and the Game (Oceania).
Biological Enhancement Complete (30 points) | Bolt's health bar maxed out.
Combo Master (50 points) | Attain a 30 hit combo.
Give em the ol' one-two, or six (5 points) | Attain a 6 hit combo.
Good Comrade (30 points) | Completed the final level of Act 3 (Russia).
Hacktacular! (75 points) | Beat a mini-game level without taking damage.
Mad Combo Skills (15 points) | Attain a 15 hit combo.
No hack too hidden (35 points) | All bonus hack levels have been found.
Party Crasher (10 points) | Completed the final level of Act 1 (Italy).
Power Overwhelming (5 points) | Bolt successfully defeated 3 different enemies with Super Sonic Bark, Laser Eyes, and Ground Pound.
Security? What Security? (50 points) | Completed 15 Bonus Hack Levels.
Sneaky Sneaky (50 points) | Penny completed Raisin' A Ruckus or Hide And Sneak without alerting any enemies without using cheats.
So you think you can hack (15 points) | Completed 5 Bonus Hack Levels.
Tame the Mainframe (25 points) | Completed 10 Bonus Hack Levels.
Time to increase recruiting (50 points) | 250 of Calico's henchmen have been defeated.
Walking is Boring (5 points) | Penny successfully performed a wheel bar up, sidle, and cable.
Welcome to the Jungle (20 points) | Completed the final level of Act 2 (Belize).
Well "Trained" (40 points) | Completed the final level of Act 4 (China).
Achievement | How to unlock
Belly Up ( 35 points ) | Sunk Calico's Warheads.
Bolt, Speak! ( 35 points ) | 100 of Calico's henchmen have been defeated by Bolt's Sonic Super Bark.
Bolt, Stare! ( 35 points ) | 100 of Calico's henchmen have been defeated by Bolt's Laser Eyes.
Bull Whipped! ( 5 points ) | Bolt defeated Bully with a finishing move.
Give him the Boot ( 5 points ) | Bolt defeated Stompy with a finishing move.
Indiscriminate Justice ( 5 points ) | Bolt defeated Proddy with a finishing move.
Lights Out! ( 25 points ) | Destroyed Calico's generators.
Ouch! ( 5 points ) | Got hit by an SUV!.
Ruffed Up ( 5 points ) | Bolt defeated Glovey with a finishing move.
Scrap Metal ( 30 points ) | Destroy 7 of Calico's SUVs.
Security Override ( 15 points ) | Penny successfully hacks the system.
Starry Eyed ( 5 points ) | Bolt defeated Starry with a finishing move.
The Cat didn't come back ( 45 points ) | Calico was utterly defeated.
The Dog Pound ( 35 points ) | 100 of Calico's henchmen have been defeated by Bolt's Ground Pound.
This dog doesn't play frisbee ( 5 points ) | Bolt defeated Disky with a finishing move.
Watch your step ( 35 points ) | Send 25 Calico henchmen through windows or over cliffs.
Which button is block? ( 5 points ) | Got whipped by a Glovey.