Achievement | How to unlock
A True Knight (100 points) | Clear Arcade Mode.
Are you really the hero? (20 points) | Game over, 50 times over.
Hard Worker (20 points) | Finish every mission in challenge mode.
I English Read Good (10 points) | Read every tutorial board.
Let's start here (10 points) | Clear stage 1.
Like a lion after its prey (30 points) | Finish the game in hard mode.
One Knight stand (100 points) | Finish the game without dying.
P-Whipped (20 points) | Collect all the cat head grass in story mode.
Sunny side up (30 points) | Finish the game without ever entering the shop.
The next story is yours (30 points) | Watch the end credits.
Three Star Chef (10 points) | Use a magic attack on the bread.
You call that an ending? (20 points) | Clear stage 5.