Complete Special Objective in M10 Vilnius in Veteran during Mission Mode.
7.62 AR for Lindy Cohen
Complete Special Objective in M8 Battlefield in a Quick Mission in Mission Mode.
7.62 Carbine for W. Jacobs
Complete Special Objective in M1 Caves in Veteran during Mission Mode.
7.62 Sniper for A. Galinsky
Complete Special Objective in M9 Swamp in Veteran during Mission Mode.
A. Galinsky
Complete Special Objective in M9 Blue Storm.
A-91 for Klaus Henkel
Complete Special Objective in M6 Castle in Elite during Mission Mode.
AK-74 for Henry Ramirez
Complete Special Objective in M5 Embassy in Recruit.
AN-94 for Buzz Gordon
Complete Special Objective in M4 Village in Elite during Mission Mode.
B. Gordon
Complete Special Objective in M4 Black Needle.
Bizon 9mm for Nigel Tunney
Complete Special Objective in M2 Farm in recruit during Mission Mode.
Bronze Star
Get 15 kills.
Cat and Mouse Game
Complete M06 Castle in Firefight on Elite, using only a sniper.
Congressional Medal Of Honor
Get 30 kills.
Costume Change
If you wish to have a riflemen clad in the sniper suit of the color you are on follow these steps.
Select the ak-74 and accept it. Go back to the soldier selection. Scroll down to the sniper class. If you see a M24 and M9 pistol then you have done it right so far.
Accept it and ready up.
If you check anything other than Server info you will be reset with the m24.
You must repeat after every proceed.
Change the ak-74 with any gun and the sniper class with demo expert for your gun and a demo expert uniform.
D. Munz
Complete Special Objective in M11 Dream Knife.
Distinguished Service Cross
Get 25 kills.
Domination Game Type
Complete M15 Red Square in Firefight on Elite, using only a sniper.
G. Osadze
Complete Special Objective in M7 Paper Angel under.
Get M98 in Support Uniform
To get the M98 in support uniform do this.
Select the M98.
Go back to the soldier select and go up 1 to the female support.
Then Ready up and PLAY!
H. Ramirez
Complete Special Objective in M5 Gold Mountain.
Helium Mode
Complete M13 Airbase in Firefight on Elite with a full team, and not losing a soldier.
J. Stone
Complete Special Objective in M3 Stone Bell.
K. Henkel
Complete Special Objective in M6 Witch Fire.
L. Cohen
Complete Special Objective in M8 Zebra Straw.
M60 for D. Munz
Complete Special Objective in M11 POW Camp in Elite during Mission Mode.
M98 for Scott Ibrahim
Complete Special Objective in M12 Docks in Veteran during Mission Mode.
Map MP07 Stronghold
Complete the Campign once on Recruit.
Map MP08 Creekbed
Complete the Campign once on Veteran.
Map MP09 Wilderness
Complete the Campign once on Elite.
N. Tunney
Complete Special Objective in M2 Eager Smoke.
Paper Mode
Complete M15 Red Square in Recon on Elite using only a sniper with the M24 and frags kit.
PKM for Guram Osadze
Complete Special Objective in M7 River, in Veteran during Mission Mode.
Purple Heart
Get wounded during a mission.
S. Grey
Complete Special Objective in M10 Fever Claw.
S. Ibrahim
Complete Special Objective in M12 Ivory Horn.
Siege Game Type
Complete M05 Embassy in Firefight on Elite, using only a sniper.
Silenced Sniper for Jack Stone
Complete Special Objective in M3 RR Bridge in Elite during a Quick Mission in Mission Mode.
Silver Star
Get 20 kills.
Various Codes
Press the Back button during the game, then enter the following codes:
Code - Effect
A, X, B, Y, A - Big Heads
X, X, Y, A, B - Chicken Expolsives/Bombs
X, A, Y, B, X - High Pitched Voices
X, X, A, B, A - Individual god mode
Y, Y, B, X, A - Slow Mo Mode
B, A, Y, Y, A, B, X, X, X - Team God Mode
B, A, X, Y, A - Two Dimensional Mode - when you look at the other soldiers on your team, they will be two dimensional