Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast (Xbox)

Get All Movies

Go to the cheat menu under Extras and put in the code FLICKY to unlock all the movies.

Get Lightsaber at Start

Go to the Cheat menu under Extras and put in the code FUDGE.

Get Multiplayer Characters

Go to the cheat menu under Extras and put in the code PEEPS.

Get PC Demo "Mission at Alzoc III"

Go to the Cheat menu under Extras and put in the code DEMO.

Get Seven Levels

Go to the cheat menu under Extras and put in the code CHERRY.

Get Unlimited Ammo

Go to the Cheat menu under Extras and put in the code BISQUIT.

Get Unlimited Health

Go to the Cheat menu under Extras and put in the code BUBBLE.

Unlimited force powers!

Go to the extras menue and type in scooter as a sheat code you should hear a guy say yee haw the n you have unlimited force powers!