Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure (Xbox)


Better Stats

To unlock special moves, collect 25 items (spearheads, medals, etc.) in each level.

Cheat Codes

Enter the following codes on the cheats menu:

Unlock All Create-a-Skater Items - "gethotgear"
Unlock Lion King Video - "savannah"
Unlock Tarzan Video - "nugget"
Unlock Toy Story Video - "marin"
Special Meter Always Full - "happyfeet"

Get Special Moves

Gather 25 items (Eg. spear heads and medals) on every level to unlock special moves.

Unlock All Characters

Enter xtremebuddies at the code input screen.

Unlock All Levels

Enter frequentflyer at the code input screen.

Unlock Special Moves

To unlock special moves, collect 25 items (spearheads, medals, etc.) in each level.

Upgrade stats

Get the gems hidden throughout each level to instantly upgrade your stats.