Achievement | How to unlock
Athletic Training (5 points) | Jump over 20 obstacles in the same game.
Beginner (10 points) | Kill the 1st enemy.
Bull's Eye (5 points) | Perform 100 headshots.
Commando (15 points) | Kill 10 enemies in a row without firing a bullet.
Dragon's Eye (15 points) | Perform 1000 headshots.
Eagle's Eye (10 points) | Perform 500 headshots.
Elusive Target (15 points) | Finish a mission without ever taking damage.
Finders Keepers (10 points) | Win a Manhunt game by scoring every point for your team.
Furiously Fast (10 points) | Win a game in less than 2 minutes.
Grenade (10 points) | Perform the 1st grenade.
Incoming! (5 points) | Kill two enemies with a single rocket.
Jumper (10 points) | Jump over the 1st obstacle.
Killer (10 points) | Perform the 1st headshot.
Lucky Streak (5 points) | Win 5 multiplayer matches in a row.
MVP (5 points) | Finish 1st in a multiplayer match of 10 players or more.
Ricochet (15 points) | Kill an enemy with a throwing knife's ricochet.
Splash Damage (5 points) | Damage three enemies with the same Frag grenade.
Survivor (20 points) | Kill 20 ennemies in a row without dying.
Upgrade (10 points) | Change the weapon.
World tour (10 points) | Win once on every map.