Crimson Dragon: Side Story (Win. Mobile)

Avatar Awards

AwardHow to unlock
Dragon HeadClear the Second Level.
White T-ShirtClear the First Level.

Various Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Aerial Acrobatics (10 points)Unlock 40 skills.
Boss Killer (10 points)Complete "Planet Draco's Masters".
Buzz Kill (5 points)Defeat 1000 enemies.
Cleansing Fire (5 points)Finish off Glyrin and Hestrine using action skills.
Death From Above (5 points)Defeat 100 enemies using only subskills.
Defy Death (10 points)Unlock 10 skills
Dragon Master (5 points)Defeat Dark Phantom 200 times.
First Flight (5 points)Defeat the Glyrin!
GPS Specialist (5 points)Use the in-game GPS to gather draco jewels.
Hero of Draco (30 points)Complete "Battle after battle after battle!" without taking any damage.
I AM LEGEND! (30 points)Unlock all skills.
Illumination (5 points)Customize the dragon's color.
Might and Magic (10 points)Power-up the White Reaver by awakening 5 skills.
Shredding The Skies (5 points)Defeat 50 enemies.
Skylord (5 points)Eliminate the Dark Phantom from the Crimson Dragon world.
Swarm Exterminator (10 points)Defeat 4000 enemies.
Take Up Arms (5 points)Equip yourself with a new skill.
Taking the First Step (5 points)Unlock a skill.
The True Crux (15 points)Complete "The Ultimate Test".
White Reaver Unleashed! (20 points)Release the White Reaver's latent power by awakening all skills.