Kid Tripp (Vita)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
Beat The Developer - Part 1Complete the game faster than Mick Waites (5m 59.93s)Gold
Beat The Developer - Part 2Complete the game with more coins than Mick Waites (3266)Gold
Below ZeroComplete World 3Silver
Cheating DeathFall off the bottom of the level and surviveGold
Coin CollectorEarn a gold medalBronze
ExpertComplete the game using fewer than 100 livesSilver
Extreme EfficiencyComplete the game using no more than 1 stoneGold
FlawlessComplete the game without losing a lifeGold
Fun In The SunComplete World 1Bronze
GraduateComplete the tutorialBronze
GrandmasterEarn every trophyPlatinum
I'm Rich!Hold 1000 coins at onceGold
MasterComplete the game without using a continueGold
No Time For CautionComplete the game without ever walkingSilver
OlympianEarn a gold medal in every levelGold
Plenty To SpareHold 15 lives at onceSilver
Proficiently Evading Testy AnimalsComplete a level without harming any baddiesBronze
SkilledComplete the game using fewer than 500 livesBronze
SpelunkerComplete World 2Silver
The EndComplete the gameGold
Wet FeetFall in the water and surviveBronze