Class | How to unlock
Android | Must beat the main story and be on a 2nd cycle or higher.
Archer | Healer and Valkyrie level 15.
Armor Knight | Warrior level 20.
Battle Suit | Warrior and Armor Knight level 30 and clear Episode 8.
Beast Master | Warrior and Valkyrie level 20.
Bouncer | Clear Episode 7 or Armor Knight level 100.
Gunner | Thief and Skull level 15.
Lady Samurai | Valkyrie and Archer level 30.
Magic Knight | Warrior or Valkyrie and Mage or Skull level 30.
Masked Hero | Thief and Warrior level 25.
Ninja | Thief and Skull level 30.
Onmyo Monk | Sorcerer and Ninja level 30.
Professor | Healer and Onmyo Monk level 20.
Sorcerer | Skull and Witch level 15.
Part | How to unlock
Black Drill | Construction Pirates on floors 31+.
Eryngi (Body) | Artist Pirates on floors 71+ (Item Growth Path only).
Galleon III (Body) | Sorry Pirates on floors 41+ [First 5 floors only (x1-x5)].
Giant Turtle (Body) | Fisherman Pirates on floors 1+.
Hunk House (Top) | Warrior Pirates on floors 61+.
Metal Aft Propellor (Head) | Red Pirates on floors 81+ (Item Growth Path only).
Mini-Yoshitsuna (Body) | Robo Pirates or Masked Pirates while Reverse Pirating (Turn 2 only).
No.6 Locomotive (Body) | Item Express Pirates on floors 41+ (Innocent Boost Path only) (Do not appear on Turn 2).
Old Wagon (Body) | Food Stand Pirates on floors 11+.
P Flonzor X (Body) | Meowkins Pirates on floors 26+.
Prinny (Body) | Prinny Pirates on floors 71+ (Innocent Boost Path only) (Do not appear on Turn 2).
Sharkpedo (Right) | Duck Pirates on floors 21+ (Do not appear on Turn 2).
Skull: Gentle Ram (Head) | Queen Pirates on floors 81+.
Starship Body G | Mech Pirates on floors 61+ (Do not appear on Turn 2).
Starship Stern G (Rear) | Rotten Golem Pirates on floors 51+.
Torn-Up Mast | Ghost Pirates on floors 31+.
Training Wing (Left) | Commando Pirates on floors 51+ (Item Growth or Innocent Boost Paths only).
Treasure Ship (Body) | Peachboy Pirates on floors 51+ (Treasure Path only) (Do not appear on Turn 2).