Bloxiq (Vita)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock Vita trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlock
And Now You Know (Bronze)Finish Tutorial World.
Break Free (Bronze)Finish World 3.
Cube Master (Silver)Match a total of 15,000 cubes.
End of the Beginning (Bronze)Finish World 2.
Give and Take (Bronze)Finish World 6.
I've Fallen (Silver)Create 10 Chains in a single move.
In Sync (Silver)Create 100 MultiMatches.
Journey's End (Gold)Finish Game.
Set 'em Up, Knock 'em Down (Silver)Clear 12 or more cubes in a single match (single move, no chaining).
The Final Countdown (Bronze)Finish World 4.
What's in the Box? (Bronze)Finish World 5.