This exploit should work with any vendor in the game, but just incase it does not, it works at Jimbo's Gun Store. This method also works better the further you are in the story - since the more progress you make, the bigger your crafting material stacks will be. Complete the following steps to get unlimited money.
1. Sell your entire stack (do not break it up) of crafting materials to the vendor (food, scrap, tech, biohazard, and meds)
2. Go to the Buyback menu, and buy back all the crafting materials you just sold.
3. If you immediately buyback the crafting materials, the vendor will not charge you for the sale.
4. After buying back everything, you will still have the same amount in your wallet as you did right after completing the sale.
5. Sell everything again and buy it back again. Just keep selling and buying back all your crafting materials to earn an unlimited amount of money.
For this exploit to work, you must sell the entire stack of crafting materials and then buy them back without leaving the vendor screen. The larger your stacks, the more money you will earn. Thus, invest in more food, scrap, tech, biohazard, and meds to increase your total payout.