Cliffhanger (Sega CD)

99 continues

Press Left, Right, Start, C, A on controller two at the title screen. The phrase "99 Continues" will appear in the corner to confirm correct code entry.

99 lives

Press Up, Left, C, B, A on controller two at the title screen.

Level skip

Press Start, C, B, A, Right, Left, Right, Left on controller two at the title screen. The phrase "Level Skip" will appear in the corner to confirm correct code entry. Then, pause game play and press C to jump to the next level.

Snowboarding sequence

Press A, B, C, Down, Up on controller two at the title screen. The word "Snowboarding" will appear in the corner to confirm correct code entry.

Snowboarding time trial

Press C, B, A, Up, Down, Left, Right, Start on controller two at the title screen. Then, use the "Special" selection on the option screen.