Submerged: Hidden Depths (PlayStation 5)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 5 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
BotanistCollect all Flowers.Gold
CartographerUse all Lookouts.Gold
ConclusionFinish the Campaign.Gold
CostumierChange Body Style.Silver
CuratorView a Relic at the Home Base.Silver
DecoratorPut a Flower in your hair.Silver
HairdresserChange Hair Style.Silver
Hidden DepthsObtain all trophies in Submerged: Hidden Depths.Platinum
HistorianCollect all Diaries.Gold
OutfitterCollect all Styles.Gold
RefurbisherChange Boat Style.Silver
SalvagerCollect all Relics.Gold
ShipwrightCollect all Boat Boosts.Gold
VisitorVisit all Landmarks.Gold
ZoologistCollect all Creatures.Gold