Night Lights (PlayStation 5)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 5 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
City LightsDiscover the city location.Gold
Cut!Witness the longest tracking shot in video game history.Gold
DashingObtain the dash upgrade.Gold
Double-jumpObtain the double-jump upgrade.Gold
High VoltageReach 130 lightning bolts.Gold
Let There Be LightObtain the head bulb upgrade.Gold
Platinum NightGet all other trophies.Platinum.
Ride The LightningReach 120 lightning bolts.Gold
Run Bot RunObtain the run upgrade.Gold
ShockwaveReach 110 lightning bolts.Gold
Star Light, Star BrightReach the crash site.Gold
ThunderstruckReach 150 lightning bolts.Gold