Naraka: Bladepoint (PlayStation 5)

Various Trophies

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 5 trophy rewards.

TrophyHow to unlockType
A Legend is BornObtain a piece of legendary-quality gear.Bronze
Accuracy AssuredRaise a ranged weapon to Lv. 25.Silver
Ancient WrathDefeat an enemy with a Moonbane Charm.Bronze
And So It BeginsPlay a game of The Survival.Bronze
ApogeeAttain 'Undying Glory' twenty times.Gold
As Fate WillsRaise a hero's Cultivation to 'The Chosen One'.Gold
Augmented ArmsEquip three different Souljades for a single weapon at once.Bronze
BloodthirstyDefeat three enemies in sixty seconds.Silver
BrawlerDefeat an enemy with your bare fists.Bronze
Captain's BloodlustIn a single game, defeat five enemies in Shipwreck Expanse.Bronze
Close CombatRaise a melee weapon to Lv. 25.Silver
Deep PocketsPossess 30,000 Dark Tide Coins.Bronze
Divine LordIn a single game, defeat five enemies in Celestra.Bronze
Drunken FireDeal 5000 damage with a Flamebringer.Bronze
Fearful AuraBecome the Kill Leader (the player with the most kills in the game so far)Bronze
Fickle FortuneFeel the effects of a statue another player's prayed to.Bronze
Fight Fire With FireIn a single game, defeat five enemies in Eventide Temple.Bronze
First BloodGet the first kill.Bronze
Focused MomentumEquip the Focus Slide Souljade and use its effects to knock an enemy airborne.Bronze
Give ThanksPray to a statue in a Stash.Silver
Hand of GraceRescue three downed party members in a single game.Bronze
Jack of All TradesComplete twenty quests of Heroic Tales.Gold
LurkerIn a single game, spend a total of 150 sec hiding in bushes.Bronze
LusterObtain a Gold Souljade.Bronze
Marathon RunnerTravel 7,500m in a single game.Bronze
Mask of ImmortalityAttain 'Undying Glory'.Bronze
Mighty MortalEquip three Gold Souljades at once.Silver
Miracle EncounterKill a Golden Toad.Bronze
Mortal CoilDefeat an enemy with the waterwheel.Silver
Sixth SenseDefeat an enemy from over 50m away.Bronze
Spirit SpikesDeal 5000 damage with a Bloodripper.Bronze
Spoils of WarUnlock eight achievements in a single game.Silver
Sunwing's MessengerIn a single game, defeat five enemies in Sunwing's Rest.Bronze
Super WeaponryDefeat an enemy with a Ballista.Bronze
Sure ShotUnlock Perfect Aim achievement in three matches.Silver
Temple WarriorIn a single game, defeat five enemies in Shadowjade Mine.Bronze
The OvercomerSurvive for over three minutes and achieve victory while the only one in your party still alive.Silver
The UnchainedUnlock all other achievements.Platinum
UnbreakablePerform two Counters in sixty seconds.Silver
What Lies WithinOpen a Stash.Bronze
Yi's InstrumentDeal 5000 damage with a Swarm.Bronze